Sunday, August 18, 2013

One for the Ladies . . .

  Can the Tarot help you with your relationships? Absolutely! For eons people have been seeking intuitive guidance from oracles such as the Tarot, and while they all have their merits, the Tarot is uniquely qualified to assist with questions regarding your relationships due to the personal nature of the oracle and the depth of the introspection that it provides. For it is by looking within ourselves that we gain insight into how we treat others, and hence how our relationships are most likely to play out.

  As we know, there are many aspects of the Tarot that are specifically designed to address the areas surrounding your relationships. The suit of Cups is the suit of relationships. Depending on the individual card and its placement in your reading, it can refer to your romantic relationships, your family relationships, or your casual relationships. These cards can bring good tidings, possible warnings, or point out areas we need to make some sort of adjustment to our way of thinking, beliefs, or attitude toward others.

  The Major Arcana card "The Lovers" is one of the big cards that speaks straight to you about your love life, and a LOT of information can be obtained by examining where this card sits on the table in regard to the rest of the spread. Is this a loving and respectful relationship, or is there hidden baggage and doubt? The cards can reveal all of this if we take to time to ask and listen with our hearts.

  If you would like to read a little more on this topic, here is a report that we put together regarding the Tarot and relationships, enjoy! 

  Link to report: The_Tarot_and_Your_Relationship.pdf


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