Ritual of the Serpentine Blade -
This rite connects one
with the red current that runs through the world. The current of the
serpent. This force runs through thy body and the lands and propels
all upon the path of the cunning folk. The Serpentine Blade is of the
crooked way and symbolizes the nature of our people.
Thus we begin. Gather unto
thee a blade forged in fire and in the form of a serpent. A Kris
shaped blade sharpened and pointed to draw life force into it and
direct it as ye will. It must be able to cut and draw the red from
ye. Wood hilted is traditional, but bone or antler are also allowed.
For this be a tool of the fell ways and the dead will favour it.
The Old Gal should be
waxing into her beauty or fully present. Then, to a place of
isolation go. A cemetery is good for working if one can be from the
eyes of the living. The land of the dead being unavailable, and a
wood being out of thy realm, a spare room with an altar will suffice.
Upon the altar provide the following -
Serpentine Dagger
Sorcery Incense
(Sandalwood, Dragons Blood , and cemetery dirt anointed
with thy own blood)
Censer with Charcoal
Red Wine
Black or Beeswax candle
Symbol of Sorcery (this can be a sigil specific to your path. My tradition has it's own and is known unto only those of our ways)
Kindle the candle saying -
The light in the dark do
I strike. The beacon of the gods to I shine. From all realms I call
to the spirits that can aid me in my task. Grant me thy power and thy
vision. Come and fill this place with thy presence.
Lay thy dagger upon the
symbol. See it as a thing not yet alive but awaiting the essence.
Placing thy hand upon it, utter the following incantation -
Serpent of steel. Seeker
of the power of life. I bless you unto this world. Forged of fire
and hilted of nature, I touch you with the spark of my life. Into you
I pass a part of me and thus birth you into existence.
See energy passing into
the dagger from your hand. Give as much as you can until the dagger
glows in thy minds eye. Once done, pick up thy dagger with both hands
and breathe upon it and say -
I give ye breath of my
breath. Life of my life. So that ye may serve me and the gods. From
me ye will pass power, and to me ye shall bring it. Always faithful
to my will. Always a part of me.
Blow upon the dagger and
see if flame in thy minds eye. Replace thy dagger upon the altar and
symbol of sorcery. Cast ye incense upon the coals and say -
To fire to I call. I cast
this herb upon yon coals and kindle the flame of the gods. And to
the gods will ye take my voice. Creature that made this child of the
earth, now ye will bless it with thy touch.
Touch the tip of the
dagger to the coals. Pass the dagger through the smoke saying -
Into thy lungs does this
power pass. Awaken from thy slumber my child of power. Awaken and
breathe thy life.
Feel the dagger pulse with
its breath. Pour ye a draught of wine. Pick of yon dagger and place
the tip into the wine saying -
Drink of the essence of
the gods. Taste the intoxication of the power. Wake unto this life
and be of this plane.
Wipe the wine from thy
dagger. Using the Lancet, draw blood from ye. Rub this blood upon
the blade saying -
Feast upon my force, oh
child of my heart. Feast and take thy sup upon the force granted me
by my ancestors. Sustenance is given thee and now ye are awake and
powerful. To my will ye shall now serve and to my purpose ye shall
be bound.
Feel thy force absorb into
the blade and feel the dagger become part of thy life. It shall be
forever bound unto thee. As a child to its parent.
Place thy dagger upon yon
symbol. Raise the cup of wine to toast the beginning and say -
To ye do I raise this
cup. Welcome and be blessed unto our path. Ye kindred of mine and ye
servant of the way. I drink to thy birth and to thy life to come.
Drink of the wine. Raise
the cup again and give toast and thanks to the spirits that attended
and lent their power to thy rite saying -
Kin of mine and the gods.
I raise this cup to thy greatness and give thanks for thy help in
this working of the old way. I drink to thy health and ask ye to go
to yon places in peace and frith. We are the same and our blood runs
through the lands. Slanche.
Drink thy toast to the
spirits. This ends the ritual of the Serpentine Blade.
This blade will serve ye
from this time hence. Ye shall use it when calling the gods and
sending power. Periodically, upon its day of birth, ye will feed it
with thy blood. This will keep it strong and thy bond powerful. Truly
ye have given birth to a power of the land and to thy will ye shall
direct it. Keep it with thee always. So it is done.
Until next time......
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