Saturday, December 28, 2013


I decided to do this entry on the much maligned and greatly overlooked familiar of witches, the Toad. The Toad has been associated with conjurers and cunning folk for centuries and is even mentioned in the Witches Hammer as a way to single out one of our kind.
So what makes the Toad so special? Certainly not the warts and ruddy brown complexion. Historically it was a certain bone that was contained within the confines of the Toad itself that when gathered in a certain way it gave the sorcerer power. Much has been written on this practice, so I won't go into it here. Suffice it to say that I have never felt the need to slaughter Mr. Toad in pursuit of said bone, but have instead utilized the amphibious witches familiar for more benign operations. They are quite amazing creatures when one actually spends time with them. They have personalities and it can bee seen why they were considered imps of the Devil. My own  Toad, Mr. Hobbs, has been with me some time and lends his own magickal elements to my workings when done in my personal temple. He also has given me insight into the realms of the dead, for the Toad is a great guide down that rabbit hole.
Their long life and interesting habits lend them to the witch as a magickal companion to enhance ones workings and just lend a bit of friendship, though be it a bit warty.

That's it for now.. Until next time.....

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