Skrying is one of the oldest forms of foretelling. The image of the Gypsy gazing deeply into a crystal ball is what usually comes to mind, but skrying is so much more. Through the ages sorcerers and psychics have utilized everything from ink to black mirrors to fire to gain entry to the mysteries. I, myself, utilize a black mirror specially prepared at the Arcanus Tarot Parlor. Peering into the lands of spirits and worlds that exist paralel to our own, I have brought back to this plane information to fortell the future, find lost objects, or receive instruction on practices to ply my will upon the world. I have conducted rituals utilizing this tool to commune with entities at Arcanus and the possibilies are endless.
With the ready availability of tarot cards, this tradition has practically faded into the past. There are some books on the subject, but they are severely lacking. Only instructing on the use of an empty surface, but they leave out the other uses. Such as opening gateways to spirits and other planes by skrying sigils, or magick squares. One can even use the same techniques to combine skrying and psychometry to gain information from ordinary objects. I use this in my practice quite often. I've even skried clients during sittings to gain a better image of the energies surrounding them.
Though steeped in the mysteries of the past, the practice is actually quite simple. It is merely getting into a relaxed state and when looking at your object, square, etc, you let your sight move out of focus and allow visions to come. Sometimes these are third eye impressions, and sometimes they are visual. It depends on the skill of the individual.
If you wish to try skrying for yourself, it is quite easy. First get something to use for skrying. I would recommend a black surface to start and then once you are capable with this move onto other objects. In a pinch you can use the turned off monitor of a computer. Or, if you are a bit more crafty, you can make a mirror from an old picture frame with the glass intact. There are more advanced ways to make one using condensors made from oils, herbs, and other mystical substances, which I make and sell at Arcanus, but that is beyond the scope of this particular article.
Once you have obtained your mirror, in a darkened room place it on a table where you can easily look into it. Place two candles on each side and slightly behind and begin your gazing. Let yourself relax and look into the blackness. Before long you will notice a mist appearing. This will eventually clear and your visions will come.
Practice this for a few weeks until it is second nature to you and then expand your abilities by skrying a magick square. I think you may be amazed at the information that you can obtain by this simple bit of sorcery.
That is it for now. Until next time.
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